Workshops for Cast

We occasionally have workshops that are focused on improving the skills of performers who are already part of the cast.

Our next such workshop is….

Discover the new – Refresh the Classics

Improv games are a fantastic way to add energy and entertainment for an audience and provide an exciting challenge for the players. In this cast-only workshop we will hone our techniques with new and old games so that we maximize the enjoyment for the audience while still providing room to build fun narratives and discoveries. 

With the upcoming format change for TheatreSports, we will work on how to quickly setup games in clear terms that your audience will understand and tips and tricks to allow you to spend more time improvising and less focusing on the mechanics of the game.

The goal is to have everyone feel comfortable with some new formats and have ease with setting up scenes/games.

The workshop will be held from 1 to 3 pm on Sunday, June 23rd. If you don’t already know the location, drop a line to

Hope to see you there!